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Listing All Leave

The All tab displays a summary of the number and type of leave requests for all employees by location. Listed by day are totals for requested, denied, and cancelled leave for each month. Granted leave displays the dates and employee who is out on leave. This is helpful if the organization restricts the number of employees who can take leave on one day.

To list All leave info:

  1. Go to Availability > All. It is the tab after My Leave.
    My Leave window displays.

  2. Select the Location using the drop-down list.
    Leave window displays leave requests for one month for the location selected. Each location you are assigned to is in the Location drop-down list.

  3. Use the next and previous arrows or date selector to change years or days.
    Today's date is highlighted.

  4. Scroll down to view a table of Granted Leave Requests.
    Dates of leave, number of days off, and the employees who request and are granted leave display.