Swapping & Managing Your Shifts
The SwapBoard helps you adjust your schedule to meet your needs. Access Swap on the top menu, through My Schedule, or under the TeamWork drop-down menu. Use the arrows at the top of the window to scroll backwards and forwards to view scheduled and available shifts on a day-by-day basis.
There are two windows in the SwapBoard: My Shifts and Available. Reconfigure them by dragging and dropping any column header to the left corner of the table. The window displays information sorted by that column.
Important: The types of Swapping and Trading available to you as an employee are controlled by your organization.
How To's for SwapBoard functions, also available from the My Schedule window and Calendar, are as follows:
Placing a Shift on the Swap Board — Use My Shifts to see your schedule and place one of your scheduled shifts on the SwapBoard.
Reclaiming Your Swapped Shift — Use the SwapBoard to reclaim a shift you placed on the SwapBoard.
Claiming a Shift — Use the SwapBoard window to check and see if you can claim a shift another employee has placed on the SwapBoard.
Claiming an Empty Shift — Use the SwapBoard window to see if you can claim an Empty Shift. You can also split an empty shift into two parts and then claim one part.
Splitting a Shift — Use the SwapBoard to split a shift that another employee placed on the SwapBoard or an empty shift. Once a shift is split, claim a portion of the shift to work.
Merging a Split Shift — Use My Shifts to merge a split shift that you placed on the SwapBoard.
Trading a Shift — Use My Shifts to see your schedule and trade one of your scheduled shifts. Use the Available window to see if you can trade a shift or accept a trade offer.
Reclaiming Your Traded Shift — Use the SwapBoard to reclaim a traded shift you placed on the SwapBoard.