Employee Portal Workflow
The Employee portal makes it easy to keep track of your schedule and make adjustments when necessary. The Employee portal workflow includes the following tasks.
Review the Calendar window and make note of the shifts you are scheduled to work. Go to the Calendar Section Overview.
Note: Settings provides a list of your deployments and scheduling information. Go to Settings Section Overview. -
Approve all shifts (if required) to indicate that you know when you are scheduled to work. Go to Approving All Shifts.
Place shifts you cannot work on the swapboard. Go to Placing a Shift on the SwapBoard. In case your schedule changes and you can work the shift after all, go to Reclaiming Your Swapped Shift.
Ensure your personal information is current and contains required and necessary contact information. Go to Editing Information.
Ensure your preferences are helpful for keeping you on track. Go to Editing Preferences. This includes designating your Home Page.
Ensure your availability reflects the times you can work. In some organizations, schedulers enter this information. In other organizations, employees enter this information. Still other organizations do a combination of both, i.e., a university might allow employees to enter availability at the beginning of a semester, but have schedulers make changes once the initial schedule is set. Go to Adding a Template.
Ensure your notifications let you know when swapped shifts are available to claim. Go to Reviewing and Adding Notifications.
Claim shifts posted to the swapboard as your schedule permits. Go to Claiming a Shift.
Enter leave requests and submit them for approval. Go to Adding a Leave Request and Viewing a Leave Request.
Review a complete schedule and contact information of coworkers. Go to Displaying Coworkers Contact Info and Displaying All Schedule Info.
Review the status of your leave requests and view the leave information of all employees. Go to Viewing a Leave Request and Listing All Leave.