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Use the Events page view your organization's calendar of events using either a calendar view or a list view. Add an event and share it with users, managers, locations, and employees. Edit or delete an event you created. Refer to the following How To's.

Reviewing Events

  1. Select Collaboration from the main menu.

  2. Select the Events tab.
    Events Calendar displays.

  3. To view the information in a list view, select the List tab.

  4. Select Month, Week, or Day.

  5. Use the arrow buttons to scroll backwards and forwards.



Adding an Event

  1. Select Collaboration from the main menu.

  2. Select the Events tab.
    Events Calendar displays.

  3. Select Add or Events > Add.
    Event window displays. Settings tab is active.

  4. Select Dates and Times for the Event.

  5. Select Show on: using the drop-down menu, i.e., All dates, days, calendar days.

  6. Type a Title for the Event.

  7. Type Notes. They display when a cursor hovers over the Event name on the calendar.

  8. Select Save. This places the event on ONLY YOUR calendar.

  9. To place the Event on individual employee, manager, folder, or location calendars, select the Shares tab.
    Shares window for the Event displays.

  10. Select By: Folder, Individual, or Location.
    Note: If you select a Location, the message is delivered to everyone in that Location. If you select Individuals, you can choose the employees and users to share the event with.

  11. Select With: Any, Employee, or Manager.

  12. Select List.
    The window refreshes and displays a list of names depending on whether you selected Individuals or Location.

  13. Select names to share this event with and select Add.
    Names display in Shared window.

  14. Use the Remove or Remove All buttons to remove selected or all names.

  15. Select Save.
    The window refreshes and the event is posted in the calendar of those identified in the Shared text box. A Broadcast tab displays.

  16. To send this Event by email, select the Broadcast tab.
    Broadcast window displays.

  17. Select Broadcast.
    An email is sent to everyone listed in the Shared text box and results display.
    Note: Users and Employees must have an email address entered in TeamWork 5 or they cannot receive an email that is broadcast.

  18. Select Save.

  19. Select Close.


Add Event

Editing an Event

  1. Select Collaboration from the main menu.

  2. Select the Events tab.
    Events Calendar displays.

  3. To edit the Event, select the Event.
    Event window displays.

  4. Make changes to the Event. Any changes you make to the Event display on the calendars of those identified in the Shared text box.

  5. Select Save.

  6. If you need to add more Locations or Individuals, select the Shares tab, add the information, and select Save.

  7. If you added more Locations and Individuals, select the Broadcast tab and select Broadcast.

  8. Select Close.

Deleting an Event

  1. Select Collaboration from the main menu.

  2. Select the Events tab.
    Events Calendar displays.

  3. To delete the Event, select the Event.
    Event window displays and there is a Delete button.
    Note: You need to be the Event creator to delete the Event.

  4. Select Delete.
    Window prompts: Delete item?

  5. Select OK to delete the Event.