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Feedback / Surveys

Use the Feedback pages to design surveys and gather results.


Adding a Survey

  1. Select Collaboration from the main menu.

  2. Select the Feedback tab.

  3. Select Add or Surveys > Add.
    Add >> Survey window displays.

  4. To use a copy of a previous survey, select the previous survey name.

  5. Type the Name of the Survey.

  6. Select Save.
    New survey displays in list.

  7. Select Survey.

  8. If desired, make changes to the Name.

  9. Type or change Header (help).
    Example: Give instructions on filling out the survey, i.e., select the best day for the holiday party.

  10. Type or change Footer (help).

  11. Select check boxes to provide Access: Employees and/or Managers who receive the survey.

  12. Select Timestamp: automatic (real time log) or manual (date/time entered). If manual, survey recipient enters a date.

  13. Select Options: Link to Employee and Allow Comments
    Explanation: Link to Employee - records the employee internal id when they respond to the survey.
    Allow Comments - allows comments in addition to choosing a multiple choice answer.
    Enabled - posts the Survey so it is active and can be used.

  14. Select Save.
    Items entry area displays below Survey.

  15. Select Add to add a question.
    Question window displays.

  16. Select Order.

  17. Type Question (up to 30 characters).

  18. Select Type of question using the drop-down list.
    Explanation: If you choose Single or Multi Select values, use the Values box to enter the value choices recipients will select from. You enter one value per line.

  19. Type Pattern. Optionally used for validating input. For assistance with this, pleaseĀ open a new support ticket.

  20. Type any additional Help instructions.

  21. Select Required (if recipient must complete the Survey) and Enabled (so the question is active and can be used).

  22. Repeat the previous steps for as many Questions as you desire and when done, select Save.

  23. Select Save to save the survey.
    Note: The Survey is delivered to Manager and/or Employee accounts in the TeamWork portal they log in to. Results display in your Feedback tab under Results. See Adding a Survey Result.


Add Example Survey

Reviewing Survey Results

  1. Select Collaboration from the main menu.

  2. Select the Feedback tab.

  3. Select Results.

  4. Use the Menu Button to select the survey with the results you want to view.
    Results display.

  5. Select Summary to display the summary of results.

  6. Change the date information.

  7. Select Details to display details. Use filters to search information.

  8. Select Comments to display comments.

Adding a Survey Result

  1. Select Collaboration from the main menu.

  2. Select the Feedback tab.

  3. Select Results.

  4. Select Add.
    Feedback window displays the survey.

  5. Select answers to survey questions.

  6. Select Save.