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Use the Availability pages to view an employee's calendar, add or edit an employee's availability template, add availability overrides, and view, add, grant or deny an employee leave request.

Viewing an Employee Calendar

  1. Select Employees from the main menu.
    Note: Use the same employee or use the Menu button to select another one.

  2. Select Availability > Calendar.

  3. Select the view you would like to display: Day, Week, Month, or List.

  4. Select the time period using the date picker and arrows.

  5. To view availability, select an Available time or Not Available time.
    Available or Not Available window displays a prompt to Open.

  6. Select Open.
    Templates displays for the type of availability you selected, i.e., for a location or a global template.

  7. To make changes to an employee's global or location-specific availability, see Viewing or Editing Employee Templates.

Viewing or Editing Employee Templates

  1. Select Employees from the main menu.
    Note: Use the same employee or use the Menu button to select another one.

  2. Select Availability > Templates.

  3. Select the template you would like to view.

  4. Select the day or time under the Available column.
    Time Entry window displays.
    Template Time Entry

  5. Make changes.

  6. Select Save.

Adding an Employee Template

  1. Select Employees from the main menu.
    Note: Use the same employee or use the Menu button to select another one.

  2. Select Availability > Templates.

  3. Select Add.
    Add a Template

  4. Select the Scope, i.e., a location or global.

  5. Select the check boxes of the days the employee is available.

  6. Select a Priority using the drop-down list. 1 indicates a low interest in working and 9 indicates it is a high priority.

  7. Enter Available times. If not available ALL DAY, select From and To times you are available in each day.

  8. (Optional) Enter PreferredĀ times.

  9. Select Save.

Adding Overrides

  1. Select Employees from the main menu.
    Note: Use the same employee or use the Menu button to select another one.

  2. Select Availability > Overrides.

  3. Select Add.
    Add >> Availability Override window displays for employee.
    Override Availability

  4. Select Scope: either Global or a Location.

  5. Select a Date.

  6. To be unavailable the entire day, select Save at this time.

  7. To be available for part of the day, select the Enabled check box.

  8. Enter Available Time Ranges and Preferred Time Ranges for the single day.

  9. Select Save.

Managing Employee Leave

  1. Select Employees from the main menu.
    Note: Use the same employee or use the Menu button to select another one.

  2. Select Availability > Leave.

  3. Select the Leave tab.
    Leave window displays with leave information.


  4. To add Leave, select Add.
    Add >> Leave window displays.

    Add Leave

  5. On the Add Leave Request window, select Leave Type.
    Note: Leave Types are entered in the Leave > Types page. Role permissions are required.

  6. Select a Start Date and End Date.

  7. Type the number of Days in Range or verify the automatic calculation.

  8. Type the number of Total Hours or verify the automatic calculation.

  9. Select the Status: Request or Grant.

  10. Select the check box to Sync Hours.

  11. Enter Times only if the request is for less than one day, then specify the hours start and end time.

  12. Add a Comment as desired.

  13. Select Save.

  14. To grant a leave request, select Grant.
    Pop-up window questions: Grant Leave?

  15. Select OK.
    When you refresh the window, Granted displays in green.

  16. To deny a Leave request, select Deny.
    Pop-up window questions: Deny leave?

  17. Select OK.
    When you refresh the window, DENIED displays in all capital letters.