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Defining Policies

Use the Policies pages to add, edit, and delete a policy.

Important: Policies are established and managed at the organization level. To do so, you must have Organization role permissions enabled for Policies.

Adding a Policy

  1. Select Organization from the main menu.

  2. Select Policies.

  3. To add a policy, select Policies > Add or Add.
    Add Policy

  4. Type the Name, External Id, and Description and select Save.
    Policy >> Policy Name displays with a Components Add button.

  5. Select Add.
    Add >> Components window displays.
    Add Components

  6. Select the Type of component.
    Components you created display.

  7. Select the component to add to this policy and select Add.
    Message displays in green: Component added.
    Important: You must select a Time Settings component. All other components are optional.

  8. Select Close.
    Components you added display under Components on the Policy window.

Editing a Policy

  1. Select Organization from the main menu.

  2. Select Policies.

  3. Select the policy you would like to edit.
    Policy window displays.

  4. Select Add to add additional components.
    Important: You can edit the name of a policy you have already created, as well as the External Code and Description. You can add new components, but you cannot edit existing components. To change components, delete the policy and add the desired components.

Deleting a Policy

  1. Select Organization from the main menu.

  2. Select Policies.

  3. Select the policy you would like to delete.
    Policy window displays.

  4. Select Delete.
    Window prompts: Delete policy?

  5. Select OK to delete the policy.
    TeamWork lets you delete policies that have not been assigned to an employee.

    Caution: You cannot delete a policy that has been used. This is a safeguard that ensures accurate recalculation in the event you need to go back to the policy at a later time and use it to generate the same results as were received at the time the policy was used.