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How To's for Components

Use the Components pages to address time-related requirements. While you must enter Time Settings, other components are optional.

Important: Component windows are flexible and useful for past reconstruction as well as the establishment of policies that implement a new bargaining agreement or changes in the law.

  • Select earlier versions in the component page. Earlier versions are easy to locate.

  • Enter policy components and date them for the future. Select them when you need to implement them.

Remember: Set up components first, and then select the components to use in policies.

Time Settings

  1. Select Organization from the main menu.

  2. Select Policies.

  3. To add a Time Settings component, select Time Settings > Add.
    Add >> Profile window displays.
    Add Profile

  4. Type the Name and select Save.
    Time Settings window displays.
    Time Settings

  5. On the Time Settings window, select the radio button for Policy Time Settings.
    Note: You also have the option of continuing to use Location Time Settings. If you select this option, the Time Settings Component window displays no additional fields.

  6. Select the check boxes as desired: Allow Clock and Allow Kiosk.
    Note: This specifies how employees can enter time into the system. Kiosk and Web Clock allow for entering time in and out in real time. Allow Card allows manual entries, for both past and future time.

  7. Select Allow clock on: Always or Only when scheduled.

  8. Select Early clock on buffer using the arrow buttons.

  9. Select Late clock on buffer using the arrow buttons.

  10. Select Flag as error conditions: Early, Late, and/or Not Scheduled.

  11. Select the Round to nearest minutes using the drop-down list. This rounds exact time stamps to the nearest minute specified and are used for hours calculations. Time clock entry will allow times only on the rounded minute values.

  12. Select the Add break conditions to conform to your organization's policies.

  13. If allowing Time card entry, select the Allow Card check box.

  14. Select Allow clock on: Always or Only when scheduled.

  15. Select the Time card date range. This specifies the number of weeks before and after the current week in which employees can enter time.

  16. Click Save.
    Note: Version automatically displays the name of the user who created the Time Settings Component. When you refresh, it adds an Effective Date: today's date.

  17. To edit a Time Settings component, select the profile and select Add by Versions.
    Add Versions window displays.
    Add Versions

  18. Add a Start Date and select Save.

  19. Make changes to the Time Settings window and select Save.
    New version with the new date displays along with the user who created it. [Delete Version] button displays on upper right.

  20. To delete this version, select [Delete Version].

  21. To delete an earlier version, select Delete.
    Note: If a policy component is used in a policy, you cannot delete it.

Employee Time Edit

  1. Select Organization from the main menu.

  2. Select Policies.

  3. To add an Employee Time Edit component, select Employee Time Edit > Add.
    Add >> Profile window displays.

  4. Type the Name and select Save.
    Employee Edit Privileges window displays.
    Employee Time Edit

  5. Select the check boxes for fields under Edit Time-Entry that you want to allow employees to edit.

  6. Select the Force Employee Note check box if you want to require employees to add a note.

  7. Specify the number of minutes you consider for early in, late in, early out, and late out.

  8. Select employee privileges regarding errors: Mark as Error, Undo Errors, and Mark as Void.

  9. Select the check box to indicate whether employees can Edit Project, Task and Activity.

  10. Select the check box to indicate whether you Require leave note when employees are requesting leave.

  11. Select Save.
    Note: Versions automatically displays the name of the user who created the Employee Time Edit Privileges component and adds an Effective Date: today's date.

  12. To edit an Employee Time Edit component, select the profile and select Add by Versions.
    Add Versions window displays.

  13. Add a Start Date and select Save.

  14. Make changes to the Employee Edit Privileges window and select Save.
    New version with the new date displays along with the user who created it. [Delete Version] button displays on upper right.

  15. To delete this version, select [Delete Version].

  16. To delete an earlier version, select Delete.
    Note: If a policy component is used in a policy, you cannot delete it.


  1. Select Organization from the main menu.

  2. Select Policies.

  3. To add an Overtime component, select Overtime > Add.
    Add >> Profile window displays.

  4. Type the Name and select Save.
    Overtime window displays.

  5. Select the check box for Exempt or FLSA.

  6. Select Works from: Default Location or Home

  7. Select the Status check box if your organization is Exempt from Nevada start of day rules, i.e., default location or employee home is not Nevada.

  8. Select the radio button to indicate if this component is Custom.

  9. Enter the hours/day and hour/week for overtime in each applicable category.

  10. Do not select the check box to enable Nevada start of day rules unless it is applicable to your organization.

  11. Select Save.
    Note: Versions automatically displays the name of the user who created the Overtime component and adds an Effective Date: today's date.

  12. To edit an Overtime component, select the profile and select Add by Versions.
    Add Versions window displays.

  13. Add a Start Date and select Save.

  14. Make changes to the Overtime window and select Save.
    New version with the new date displays along with the user who created it. [Delete Version] button displays on upper right.

  15. To delete this version, select [Delete Version].

  16. To delete an earlier version, select Delete.
    Note: If a policy component is used in a policy, you cannot delete it.


  1. Select Organization from the main menu.

  2. Select Policies.

  3. To add an Attendance component, select Attendance > Add.
    Add >> Profile window displays.

  4. Type the Name and select Save.
    Time Attendance window displays.
    Time Attendance

  5. Select the check box for Attendance On if you want to track attendance.

  6. Select the check box for Do not enforce Location if you want to allow employees to clock on at any location. Do not select the check box if you want employees to clock on at a specific location.
    Explanation: For example, a university food service may have a coffee shop and a dining services facility at three dormitories. Each facility schedules a bus staff, and since the work is location-specific, you want to allow the employee to clock on at any location.

  7. Enter the number of points to be assessed for each absence in Absence Points.

  8. Enter the number of point in Not Scheduled if you want to allow an employee to clock on when not scheduled. Enter the number of buffer minutes.
    Explanation: For example, a scientist who works in a laboratory may return to work to check on an experiment. While not scheduled, you may want to allow the scientist to clock on and may also want to track those hours worked.

  9. Enter the number of minutes and points you would like to assess for violations involving clocking in early and clocking out early, as well as clocking in late and clocking out late. Notice that you can enter minutes and points for different levels.
    Note: You may enter 0 as points if you allow a grace period for clocking in late. Also, while you may not enter points as a violation for clocking out late, you may want to be notified that someone has worked late and track those hours worked.

  10. Enter the number of minutes and points you would like to set up involving breaks, as well as a Break Count.
    Note: While your company may not penalize employees for not taking breaks, some industries are required by law to provide breaks. This gives you a way of tracking employee breaks.

  11. Select Save.
    Note: Versions automatically displays the name of the user who created the Time Attendance component and adds an Effective Date: today's date.

  12. To edit a Time Attendance component, select the profile and select Add by Versions.
    Add Versions window displays.

  13. Add a Start Date and select Save.

  14. Make changes to the Time Attendance window and select Save.
    New version with the new date displays along with the user who created it. [Delete Version] button displays on upper right.

  15. To delete this version, select [Delete Version].

  16. To delete an earlier version, select Delete.
    Note: If a policy component is used in a policy, you cannot delete it.

Project Task Activity

  1. Select Organization from the main menu.

  2. Select Policies.

  3. To add a Project Task Activity component, select Project Task Activity > Add.
    Add >> Profile window displays.

  4. Type the Name and select Save.
    Project/Task & Activity window displays.
    Project/Task & Activity

  5. Select the check box for Use Station/Time Settings if you want to restrict project, tasks, and activities to only those stations on an employee's schedule.

  6. Select the check box for Use Location Project/Task to display all projects and tasks. Then, select the projects and tasks you want deployed in this policy. You may also select the default project and task for this component under Default.

  7. Select the check box to Use Location Activities to restrict the activities to only those deployed to a location the employee is assigned to. Then, select the activities you want deployed in this component. You may also select the default activity for this component under Default.

  8. Select the check box to Require Activity if an activity is required.

  9. Select Save.
    Note: Versions automatically displays the name of the user who created the Project/Task & Activity component and adds an Effective Date: today's date.

  10. To edit a Project/Task & Activity component, select the profile and select Add by Versions.
    Add Versions window displays.

  11. Add a Start Date and select Save.

  12. Make changes to the Project/Task & Activity window and select Save.
    New version with the new date displays along with the user who created it. [Delete Version] button displays on upper right.

  13. To delete this version, select [Delete Version].

  14. To delete an earlier version, select Delete.
    Note: If a policy component is used in a policy, you cannot delete it.

Shift Differentials

  1. Select Organization from the main menu.

  2. Select Policies.

  3. To add a Shift Differentials component, select Shift Differentials > Add.
    Add >> Profile window displays.

  4. Type the Name and select Save.
    Shift Differentials window displays.
    Shift Differentials

  5. Select the check box to Turn on Differentials.

  6. If desired, select the check box for Use Location Differentials if you have different shift differentials for different locations. This ensures the Shift Differential definition you are creating applies if there is no differential configured in the location.

  7. Select the check box to Mark overtime as default differential if you pay overtime based on the differential you are creating.

  8. Select the Default using the drop-down list: Regular or Diff0 - Diff10.

  9. Select the check boxes of the Weekdays and enter the Start and End time.

  10. Select the Diff using the drop-down list.

  11. If this shift differentials applies to a holiday, select the Holiday check box.

  12. Select Add.
    Shift Differentials you created displays on the window with a check box on the right.

  13. To add more shift differentials criteria, select check boxes of the Weekdays, enter the Start and End time, and select Add.
    Additional Shift Differential criteria you created displays on the window with a check box on the right.

  14. To delete one or more of the shift differentials definitions, select the check box to the right of the definition and select Delete.

  15. Select Save.
    Note: Versions automatically displays the name of the user who created the Shift Differentials and adds an Effective Date: today's date.

  16. To edit a Shift Differentials component, select the profile and select Add by Versions.
    Add Versions window displays.

  17. Add a Start Date and select Save.

  18. Make changes to the Shift Differentials window and select Save.
    New version with the new date displays along with the user who created it. [Delete Version] button displays on upper right.

  19. To delete this version, select [Delete Version].

  20. To delete an earlier version, select Delete.
    Note: If a policy component is used in a policy, you cannot delete it.


  1. Select Organization from the main menu.

  2. Select Policies.

  3. To add a Leave component, select Leave > Add.
    Add >> Profile window displays.

  4. Type the Name and select Save.
    Leave window displays.

  5. Select the check box for Mark leave with differentials if you want to pay an employee a differential that is earned even when the employee is taking leave.

  6. Select Save.
    Note: Versions automatically displays the name of the user who created the Leave component and adds an Effective Date: today's date.

  7. To edit a Leave component, select the profile and select Add by Versions.
    Add Versions window displays.

  8. Add a Start Date and select Save.

  9. Make changes to the Leave window and select Save.
    New version with the new date displays along with the user who created it. [Delete Version] button displays on upper right.

  10. To delete this version, select [Delete Version].

  11. To delete an earlier version, select Delete.
    Note: If a policy component is used in a policy, you cannot delete it.

Holiday Calendar

  1. Select Organization from the main menu.

  2. Select Policies.

  3. To add a Holiday Calendar component, select Holiday Component > Add.
    Add >> Profile window displays.

  4. Type the Name and select Save.
    Holiday window displays.
    Holiday Calendar

  5. Select the check box to Use Location Holiday Calendar if desired, and select the Holiday Calendar.

  6. Select the check box to Mark Worked Regular Hours as Holiday if desired.

  7. Select Save.
    Note: Versions automatically displays the name of the user who created the Holiday component and adds an Effective Date: today's date.

  8. To edit a Holiday component, select the profile and select Add by Versions.
    Add Versions window displays.

  9. Add a Start Date and select Save.

  10. Make changes to the Holiday window and select Save.
    New version with the new date displays along with the user who created it. [Delete Version] button displays on upper right.

  11. To delete this version, select [Delete Version].

  12. To delete an earlier version, select Delete.
    Note: If a policy component is used in a policy, you cannot delete it.