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Use the Charts pages to create a new bar, column, line, or pie chart report.

Building a new Chart

  1. Select Reports from the main menu.

  2. Select Charts and select Add.
    Add >> Chart window displays.
    Add Chart

  3. Select the Source.

  4. Type a Name.

  5. Select the Type: Bar, Column, Line, or Pie.

  6. Select Save.
    Window refreshes and displays areas for X-Series and Y-Series selections.
    Charts X-Series and Y-Series
    Note: You can always change the Type and display the same data in a different chart. However, when you select a Pie chart, it can only have one X-Series column and one Y-Series column.

  7. Choose the Options.
    In addition to Shared, select the check boxes to Show Legend, Show Values, and if unsorted or if data displays in Ascending or Descending order.
    Note: You can always edit these Options.

  8. Select Add to choose the X-Series columns.
    Add >> Column window displays.
    Note: These are the grouping fields for calculated data.
    Add Column

  9. Select fields to add and select Save.
    Note: Multi-select capabilities are available.

  10. To change the name of the column, select the name.
    Properties window displays.

  11. Enter the name to display in the Name field and select Save.
    Note: Select the Display check box in the Properties window to display the name in the report.

  12. Select Add to choose Y-Series columns.
    Add Y-Series window displays.
    Note: This is the calculated data to display for each X-Series grouping.

  13. To change the name of the column, select the name and change Name in the Properties window.

  14. Enter the name in the Name field and select Save.
    Note: If you have more than one column choice, you can select the Display check box on the Properties window to display it in the report. To hide the column data, clear the Display check box. If this is a Pie Chart, you can only display one Y-Series column.

  15. To delete a report column, select X in the Properties window.

  16. To view the chart, select Save and View.
    Chart displays data using the chart type you selected.

  17. To share this chart with other users, select Access Add.
    Add Users window displays.

  18. Select the check boxes to the left of users to provide access.

  19. Select Save.