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Use the Designs page to create a new list or crosstab report.

Designing a new Report

  1. Select Designs and select Add.
    Add >> Design window displays.
    Add Design

  2. Select the Source.

  3. Type a Name.

  4. Select the Type: List or Crosstab.

  5. Select Save.
    Window refreshes and displays design options.
    Design Options

  6. To share the report, select the Shared check box.

  7. Choose the columns for data you want to display. Under Columns, select Add.
    Add >> Column window displays.
    Add Column

  8. Select the fields to add and select Save.
    Note: Multi-select capabilities are available.

  9. Select the names of columns to change the properties, i.e., name, display, format, align, filter, and tally. See Understanding Report Designs.

  10. Use the arrow keys in the Properties window to move fields up and down.

  11. Under Sort/Group, select Add.
    Add >> Column window displays list of available fields.

  12. To display a different name in a report, select the name and change Name in the Properties window.

  13. On the Properties window, select the Sort: Ascending, Descending, or None.

  14. On the Sort/Group window, select the check box for Visible (Group By) to identify fields to group data under.
    Remove the check to hide the field when you view the report.

  15. Select Save to save the Properties window and the report design.

  16. Select View to view the report.
    Remember: Include or exclude fields by selecting or clearing the Display check box in the Properties window.

  17. To delete a report column, select X in the Properties window.

  18. To share this design with other users, select Access Add.
    Add Users window displays.

  19. Select the check boxes to the left of users to provide access.

  20. Select Save.

  21. To delete the report, select Delete.