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Use the Configuration pages to set up the framework you use in the Time section. A brief explanation of each of the Configuration pages follows.

Important: Time is configured at the organization level. To do so, you must have Time role permissions enabled.

Setting Up Pay Periods

Use the Configuration section under Time to set up pay periods. You can set up one pay period and then repeat it multiple times. Pay periods provide the containers for viewing time-related information. All time data is stored in UTC.

To set up Pay Periods:

  1. Select Time from the main menu.

  2. Select Configuration > Pay Periods.
    Pay Periods window displays.
    Pay Periods

  3. Select Add Pay Periods > Add or Add to add a new pay period.

  4. Select the Start Date.

  5. Select the type of unit: Days, Weeks or Months.

  6. Select theĀ Duration units in each Pay Period.

  7. Select the Repeat.
    Note: Allows you to add multiple pay periods at one time.

  8. Select Save.
    Add Pay Periods
    Note: If a pay period is incorrect, you can delete it and add the correct dates for the pay period. This does not affect the actual time data. It only affects the period in which you view the data.

Setting Up Projects / Tasks

Use the Configuration pages to set up Projects and Tasks. Once you establish them, enable them and deploy them to locations so they can be used for employees to assign time to.

To set up Projects / Tasks:

  1. Select Time from the main menu.

  2. Select Configuration > Projects / Tasks.
    Projects / Tasks window displays.
    Projects and Tasks

  3. On the Projects / Tasks window, select Add Project.
    Add >> Project window displays.
    Add Project

  4. Type a project Code.
    Note: It is important for this code to match your payroll code so that exported data can be loaded into your payroll system.

  5. Type a project Name.

  6. Add notes as desired.

  7. Select the Attributes check box Enabled.
    Note: If not enabled, the project does not display in the list of projects for employee assignment. On the Projects / Tasks window, it displays in the project list as crossed-off, with a line through it.

  8. Select Save.

  9. On the Projects / Tasks window, select Add Task.
    Add >> Task window displays.
    Add Task

  10. Select the Project name.
    Note: Every project must have at least one task.

  11. Type Code and Task name.

  12. Select check boxes for time keeping Entry: Clock and/or Card.

  13. Select the check boxes of Attributes that apply to time accrual: Leave, Billable, Paid, and Break.

  14. Select check box Enabled to make this task active.

  15. Select Save.
    Note: You cannot edit a task code. You must delete it and start over to make a change. However, you can edit the task name, notes, and attributes.

  16. Select Deploy.

  17. Select Locations and Projects this project and tasks are deployed to.

  18. Select Deploy.
    Deploy >> Projects window.

  19. Select the name of the projects you would like to Deploy.

  20. Select the name of the locations you would like to deploy To.

  21. Select Save.
    Deploy Projects

  22. To remove a project and the related tasks from being used at a location, select Deployments.

  23. Select Remove.
    Window prompts: Remove selected?

  24. To remove the project from the deployment list, select OK.
    Note: This does not delete the project, but it does remove it from use at that location.

Setting Up Activities

Use the Configuration pages to set up Activities. Once you establish them, enable them and deploy them to locations so they can be used.

Activities cross all projects/tasks and can be used for additional buckets you want to view time by, however, they are not needed for payroll purposes. For example, you may want to see the amount of time spent working at a specific station or activity within a department. The employee then clocks on to the specific project/task and the activity they are working on.

To set up Activities:

  1. Select Time from the main menu.

  2. Select Configuration > Activities.
    Activities window displays.

  3. On the Activities window, select Add.
    Add >> Activity window displays.

  4. Type an activity Code.

  5. Type an activity Name.

  6. Add notes as desired.

  7. Select the Attributes check box Enabled.
    Note: If not enabled, the activity does not display in the list of activities for employee assignment.

  8. Select Save.
    Add Activity

  9. To deploy the activity to locations, select Deploy.

  10. Select Deploy this activity.

  11. Select the name of the locations you would like to deploy To.

  12. Select Save.

  13. To remove an activity from being used at a location, select Deployments.

  14. Select the check box next to the location and activity you would like to remove.
    Select Remove.
    Window prompts: Remove selected?

  15. To remove the activity from the deployment list, select OK.
    Note: This does not delete the activity, but it does remove it from use at that location.

Setting Up Pay Rates

Use the Configuration pages to set up Pay Rates. Once you establish pay rates, they provide the hourly rate of pay for employee time associated with the project, task, or activity you designate. This pay rate applies to all employees, however, you can set up a pay rate for one employee in this window or assign the employee a specific rate of pay in the Employees > Deployments > Locations.

Note: If your organization is using the Policies section, you can deploy the pay rate to a policy, and then can also designate a pay differential.

To set up Pay Rates:

  1. Select Time from the main menu.

  2. Select Configuration > Pay Rates.
    Pay Rates window displays.
    Pay Rates

  3. Select the tab for the type of Pay Rate you are interested in: All, Employee, Time, or Policy (if used).

  4. On the Pay Rates window, select Add.
    Add >> Pay Rate window displays.
    Add Pay Rate

  5. Select the Pay Type/Rate using the drop-down list: Flat Rate, Add To Rate, Multiply Rate.

  6. Select an hourly dollar amount.

  7. Select the Bill Type/Rate using the drop-down list: Flat Rate, Add To Rate, Multiply Rate, and select an hourly dollar amount.
    Note: This Bill Type/Rate is often used when you are directly billing clients.

  8. Select a Differential amount (if used).

  9. Select a Date Range.

  10. If this pay rate if for a specific employee, select the Employee.

  11. Select the Project.

  12. Select the Project / Task.

  13. Select the Activity.

  14. Select the Policy (if used).

  15. Enter Notes as desired.

  16. Select Save.
    New pay rate displays in Pay Rates table with the information you selected.

Setting Up Clocks

Use the Configuration pages to set up clocks. Employees use physical or virtual machines to indicate when they start and stop working their shifts. To set up clocks, open a Support Ticket and contact ScheduleSource.

  1. Select Time from the main menu.

  2. Select Configuration > Clocks.

  3. Select a Clock using the Menu button.
    Clocks window displays.
    Clock Configuration

  4. To add a clock, select Add Clock.
    Add >> Clock window displays.
    Add Clock

  5. Type a Name.

  6. Type an External Id.

  7. Type a Location.

  8. Type a Description.

  9. Select a TimeZone using the drop-down list.

  10. Select the check box for Enabled to indicate whether the clock can be used.

  11. Select Save.
    New clock displays in Clocks table with the information you selected.

Setting Up Payroll Exports

Use the Configuration pages to set up Payroll Exports. You can identify the name, format, whether or not it is compact, and enter a description. To Payroll Exports, open a Support Ticket and contact ScheduleSource.

To set up Payroll Exports:

  1. Select Time from the main menu.

  2. Select Configuration > Payroll Exports.

  3. Select a Payroll Export using the Menu button.
    Payroll Export window displays.
    Payroll Exports

  4. To add a Payroll Export, select Add.
    Add >> Export window displays.
    Add Export

  5. Type the Name.

  6. Type a Description if desired.

  7. Select the Format: Comma Separated is default.

  8. Select whether or not it is Compact: Yes or No

  9. Select Save.
    New record displays in Payroll Exports window.

  10. To specify Payroll Export settings, select the new export name.
    Payroll Export - Setup window displays.

  11. Make any desired changes to the Name, Options, and Fields.

  12. Select Fields Add.
    Add >> Field window displays.
    Payroll Export Add Field

  13. Select Type.

  14. Select Order.

  15. Use the drop-down list to select a new data Field from the available list. See Data Sources for more information.

  16. Select the format. See References forĀ Formatting Dates and Numbers.

  17. Type a Description if desired.

  18. Select Width.

  19. Select Save.