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Using Invoices

The invoices page allows entering organization-defined invoice forms. Each form have fields and values to enter or select. Some fields might be required while others are optional. You can add, edit, and approve invoices from the "List" page.

List Invoices

The invoice list shows every invoice entered for the selected date range. Use the Date Navigator at the top of the page to load data for different time periods.

Each invoice is for a date or date range. Invoices are optionally linked to a Client record (per invoice setup). The invoice type, date(s), client, and approval status are shown in the list.

Invoice List

Click on an invoice in the list to open the invoice editor.


The status of each invoice is shown in the list. A light-blue check indicates "Employee Approved". A dark-blue check indicates "Manager Approved". In the example below, the first invoices has both Manager and Employee approval. The second invoice has an Employee approval. The third invoice has no approvals.

Invoice List Approvals


Invoices can also be "Manager Declined" if there are reasons for rejecting the invoice. The Declined status is indicated with a red-x. A "Declined" invoice must be corrected (changed and re-saved) prior to another Employee approval. In the example below, the second invoice has been "Manager Declined".

Invoice Declined

Add Invoice

To add an invoice, click the add button at the top of the page. This will open a pop-up with the new invoice options. On the pop-up:

  1. Select an Invoice Type
  2. (Optional) Select a Client for the invoice
  3. Enter a Date or date range
  4. Click Save

Invoice Add

Edit Invoice

Open the invoice editor by clicking an invoice in the list. The editor has three sections. The first section (Activity) lists shifts and events on the invoice's date. The second section (Invoice) contains the input fields for all invoice values. The third section (Files) allows you to upload attachments to the invoice.

To edit the invoice values, fill out the fields in the Invoice section and click "Save". If required fields are not entered, a warning will be displayed and no values are saved. After a successful save, the Timestamp value will be populated.

Invoice Edit

You can edit and re-save the invoice as needed if there are no approvals.


Each invoice can have one or more files (receipts, photos, etc.) attached. The list of attachments is in the Files section.

Invoice Files

Attach File

To attach a file,

  1. Click the Add button in the files section
  2. Click Browse to find a file to upload
  3. (Optional) Enter a Description
  4. Click Save

Invoice File Upload

Approve Invoice

The approval status of an invoice is shown at the right side of the page. There are two sections, one for Employee approval and one for Manager approval.

Invoice Approvals

To submit an approval,

  1. Click the Approve button in the approvals section with your name
    • (If undoing, to make corrections, click Undo)
  2. This will open the invoice Status pop-up
  3. (Optional) Enter a Note
  4. Click Save

Invoice Status

Approval History

Below the approvals section, there is an approval history list. This list show each status change and/or note entered. The list is sorted from most recent to oldest. In the example below, the invoice was Approved, Declined, Unapproved (remains in declined status while editing), then Approved. Since the invoice went through a Declined/Undo/Corrected process, the second approval is also marked with "Corrected".

Invoice History