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The notifications page lets employees configure emails and text alerts from TeamWork. These settings are done in a profile that has a scope of either Global or a specific Location. In general, only a global profile is needed. You might consider a location profile only, if you are deployed to many locations but only want notifications from one of them.

Adding a Profile

To add a notifications profile:

  1. Click the Add button at the top the page
  2. Select a scope
  3. Click Save

Notification Profile Add

To edit the notifications, simply make changes to selections and click Save.

Notification Profile

Notification Options

The various notification options are grouped on the page. Everything is optional, but enabled notifications will require a valid email or mobile number in the system. Text messages also require a separate Opt-In to enable.

Email Report

TeamWork can send an overnight email on the days selected. The data in the email can include Calendar Events, Scheduled Shifts, and Swapboard shifts. The date range of the data is the date of the email plus the Send Next number of days in the future. Once days and data are configured, choose Enabled = Yes to start receiving emails.

Email Report Options


Alerts for certain changes can be delivered via text or email. In the example below, the employee does not have valid email or mobile values, so the Via options appear as "?".

Some options depend on the organization configuration.

Email Report Options


TeamWork can send a text message either 30 minutes or 60 minutes prior to the start of your shift. Again, this requires both a valid mobile number and the Opt-In checked.

Email Report Options

Text Messaging Opt-In

Text messages cannot be sent without checking Opt-In.

Email Report Options