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The timesheet summarizes the time and approvals for an employee's pay period. The "Summary" section lists approvals and totals. The "Details" section shows the time entries grouped by date. An optional third section, "Differentials", will show the differential hours calculations breakdown.

Several actions can be taken directly from the timesheet: Approval, Add, and Edit entries.


Approving Time

If timesheet approvals are allowed, there will be a button for submitting approval. If you approve the timesheet, it becomes locked from editing. Do not submit an approval if any additions or edits might be needed.

Timesheet Approval Button

To approve the timesheet:

  1. Click the Approve button
  2. Review the dates to ensure the correct pay period
  3. Click Approve

This action approves all time entries for the timesheet (pay period).

Timesheet Approval

Unapproving Time

If you do need to make edits, and the organization has not yet locked or approved the pay period, you can undo your approval by clicking Unapprove.

Timesheet Unapprove Button

To un-approve the timesheet:

  1. Click the Unapprove button
  2. Review the dates to ensure the correct pay period
  3. Click Unapprove

Timesheet Unapprove

Adding Time

To add an entry to the time sheet, click the Add button in the details section.

Time Sheet Add Button

  1. Enter Start and End Times
  2. (Optional) Enter break hours (decimal) to subtract from time span
  3. Select Location, Project/Task, etc.
  4. (Optional) Enter notes and select Alert Manager if there's a need to communicate something about this entry
  5. Click Add

Time Sheet Add

Editing Time

To edit an existing entry in the sheet, click the Open button in the "Actions" column.

Time Sheet Edit Link

This opens the time entry editor. If editing is allowed, the times, break hours, etc. can be changed. If editing is not allowed, the Employee Notes and Alert Manager fields can still be changed and saved.

Time Card Editor